Full Pink Moon April 19, 2019 in Libra

April 10, 2019 2 Comments

Full Pink Moon April 19, 2019 in Libra

Time to say goodbye to winter and move into spring with the Full Pink Moon April 19, 2019 in Libra.  This is a wonderful time of year because it expresses rebirth and renewal.  The magical energy at this time of year is powerful because everything is coming to life again.  The fairies are out dancing once more and the unicorns let us know that they are bestowing power on us.  If you tap into this magical energy you can experience great rewards in relationships, Self Care that has been neglected during the winter, advances in your professional life, and a sense of overall well being.

This moon may look full a day before and after to the casual observer. Since the full moon pours down a tremendous amount of energy, you must be in a calm state of mind to receive a positive effect. Remember that whatever is going on in your body, mind and spirit will be amplified.  The energy and power of the full Moon is present two days before its peak and two days afterwards.  These energies are going to be working for you and if you use it with you.

Why is the April full moon pink?

Despite its name, the Pink Moon does not actually turn pink in April – in fact the moon never changes its color.

The Pink Moon owes its name to pink flowers called wild ground phlox which bloom in springtime. This moon is also known as Egg Moon, due to spring egg-laying season. Both names, Pink and Egg, indicate the sprouting of seed and the explosion of bright beauty found in the phlox (pink) and other flowers rising for the spring debut.  As this full Moon falls right before Easter it pours out the message that life has conquered death.

Asking ourselves the following questions may help us tune into what the Universe wants us to see.

  • How much is too much?
  • Where do we draw the line?
  • What are the risks in doing so?
  • How bad do we want it and how far are we willing to go to get it?
  • Is enough ever enough?

Nobody knows the answers except for us—taking a minute to honestly ask ourselves may prove beneficial.  Take time to meditate and get the answers to these questions.

This is indeed a lucky time of year.  If you’ve been struggling at the first part of this year things should turn around for you if you pay attention and give thanks for this full Moon.

With April’s Full Moon come new beginnings, new growth and the perfect opportunity to take control of your life. It's time to tap into that innate sense of power you have over your life.

We are moving forward on our spiritual journey and it’s not beneficial to look back.  The past is over and it’s time to be in the here and now.  Do not worry about the future.  Only be concerned about where you are on your spiritual path NOW.

Plan a ritual to physically plant your seeds of desire in Mother Earth. This time of year is filled with pink healing energy that can be opened up to receive and embrace its majesty and glory.  It is a perfect time to take your shoes off and ground yourself in Mother Earth.

Take this time to celebrate the beauty of the moon and all the inspiration that it gives us.

If you do decide to howl make sure you don’t freak out your neighbors. Have fun, dance, sing, and enjoy yourself and celebrate the renewal of life.

Check out my Remarkable Full Moon Reading Here!

Full Moon blessings,
Cherokee Billie

2 Responses

Jennifer L Cornett
Jennifer L Cornett

April 18, 2019

Wow im with rose. i was drawn to look into this pink beautiful full moon tats upon us. I said in january this is my year and its ben horrible! But ive not lost my faith and ur video gave me my answers this is my year. Blessed be rose. And ty bill. Blessed be


April 17, 2019

I listen to your video my year started out bad but I was up lifted by this video May there is hope I am a Libra Thank you for making my night better

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