Full Worm Moon March 7, 2023 in Virgo

February 24, 2023

Full Worm Moon March 7, 2023 in Virgo

Celebrate Winter Retreating –Rejoice at the Beginning of Springtime!

The full moon on March 7, 2023, in Virgo, has many different names due to its signifying changing from winter to spring. Winter is retreating and spring time is on its way! It’s Time to Set Yourself Free from the Restraints of Winter and Swim to the Moon!

Ariel known as the Lion of God

As March is often associated with the lion, in like a lion, the Archangel for this moon is Ariel known as the Lion of God. Ariel is the angel of earth and water. Ariel will help you clean up your act, your home and your neighborhood and increasing the flow of good into your life. Ariel is very magical and a wonderful teacher in the skills of manifestation. Ariel works closely with Archangel Raphael in healing the environment and animals.  Whatever you would like to manifest this Full Moon call upon Ariel for assistance and know that this powerful angel will work with you.

As the temperature begins to warm and the ground begins to thaw, earthworms appear, heralding the return of the robins.  This is why this full Moon is also known as the Worm Moon. As the temperature begins to warm and the ground begins to thaw, earthworm casts appear, heralding the return of the robins.

This full moon is also known as the Crow Moon or Magpie Moon. The Native American full moon names for March are largely based on these being considered the last full moons of winter; the crow caws its farewell to the season. In Native American Medicine the Crow represents: Justice, shape shifting, change, creativity, spiritual strength, energy, community sharing, and balance.

The worm moon in practical Virgo coincides with the sun, Mercury, and Neptune all in romantic water sign Pisces. This is a time when we're more sensitive to emotional undercurrents and the allure of fantasies and magic. However, This Moon speaks to us of service and the role we play in helping others in our local and global communities.

Use this extra Full Moon energy to make the necessary changes in your life. The full moon in Virgo is an ideal time for ceremonies and rituals to promote friendship and working with others.  You can use healing rituals if you have had problems with family and friends.

The spiritual message of the worm moon is "That whatever happens now is nonnegotiable," so be prepared to take a big leap of faith, and look toward your path forward with excitement and clarity.

The Virgo Full Moon comes at the beginning of an incredibly busy energetic month, giving us a dose of whatever medicine is needed. It carries a healing vibration, guiding us to seek out the elixir that will be most beneficial to us right now.

This is a time when self-care is paramount. The more we can show up for ourselves and take care of our own needs, the more we will move in harmony with this Full Moon. We may also feel the desire to clear away the clutter, tidy up our spaces, and make them a stronger reflection of the person we are becoming. Creating a safe space that fuels your creativity and productivity is a powerful way to use this Full Moon energy.

So let’s remember the gifts that this period brings and trust that this is a good time of reflection and revising your journey in life. In the grand flow of life, these inward moving energies are conducive for fine tuning and helping to bring greater clarity, awareness, and focus

Spring is the Best Time to Clean Out Your Life — Start With:

  • Cleansing Your Spirit.  This can be done using smudge, God’s White Light, or crystals.  For a thorough cleansing use all three.
  • Clean out closets and drawers.  Let go of what you no longer need.  Clutter is a sign of negative energy and you want to remove any negative energies from your home.
  • Clean off the clutter around your sleeping area.  This is really important as when you sleep your subconscious mind is still active and you want it to have freedom to move in positive directions.
  • Clean out old papers and receipts.  Why hang onto a receipt from three years ago.  Unless it’s for taxation purposes let it go.

You can take your time and do this cleaning over the next few weeks. It will benefit you enormously on your spiritual path.

The Wheel of the Year

The Wheel of the Year – The Spring Equinox March 20, 2023.  This is when day and night are equal. It is a time of balance where unnecessary things, thoughts and habits are thrown away to make room for the new. The feel-good factor about this day, however, is that the first official astrological day of spring hints that high temperatures are not far off.

With spring everyone begins to enjoy the bounties of the earth once more, as plants and animals show new life again. The land turns green, wildlife flourishes and people are filled with anticipation for the coming of summer, the time of harvest.

A lovely quotation from Chief Sitting Bull on spring. “Behold, my friends, the spring is come; the earth has gladly received the embraces of the sun, and we shall soon see the results of their love!"

I feel that all full moons are a special time for us to connect to the Great Spirit as well as the moon. Do something special in honor of this full moon.

The full Moon is a perfect time to find out what direction your path is leading you to.  I do a special full Moon reading that is designed to give you answers from spirit about your life path during the next month and the rest of the year.  Don’t miss out on this unique spiritual reading designed especially for you.

Rituals and manifestations to try during the Worm Moon

Many ancient cultures and religions celebrate celestial cycles, including finding ways to honor and harness the power of the full moon.

To make best use of this intense energy, visualize your dreams and write them down in a journal.  On the night of the full Moon ask your angels to be with you and read your dreams/intentions out loud.

Virgo is a hardworking, practical, and health-focused zodiac sign, rituals focused around employment, physical health, diet and fitness would be especially strong.

Potential intentions, mantras or journal prompts:

  • I am filled with strength, health and vitality at all times.
  • I achieve a healthy work and life balance now.
  • I manifest healthy habits and routines.
  • I attract new professional opportunities now.

I thank you for taking the time to read my full Moon message for March 2023.

Find Out Your Life Path Through This Full Moon

Full Moon Blessings,
Cherokee Billie

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