Pet Communication and Healing Energy session with Oreo

November 07, 2021

Pet Communication and Healing Energy session with Oreo

I had a communication and a Healing Energy session with the pet parent for Oreo, a beautiful cat and a beautiful spirit.  The moment I saw Oreo’s picture I was deeply touched.  Her spirit is so vibrant when her physical energy is so low.  Unfortunately Oreo is very sick and the parent wanted to know more about how Oreo was feeling. She has been to the vet, but needed more help.

Oreo is going to pass very soon and I was able to help this lady understand and prepare. She was crying throughout the session, because in her heart she already knew that time was coming to an end.

Oreo communicated everything she’d been trying to say to her and it really helped the parent.  Her parents were planning on going on a trip during the Thanksgiving holiday.  I advised the parents not to go.  They would not have a good time and because the time is limited for Oreo, it would be too hard on her.

I did energy work on her through Archangel Raphael and I know she’s going to rest better.  She has not been resting well because of being so sick and her worry about her beloved parents. 

Oreo the Xat

I received two responses from the mother of Oreo. 

Cherokee Billie: Thank you so much for the time you spent with me and Oreo.  Oreo slept soundly for about an hour afterwards.   And I’m so happy that she rested well.  I’m feeling more at ease too.  Just being able to cry and open up to how I was feeling helped tremendously.  I now know what I need to do and I’m committed to enjoying every moment I can with my “Queen Oreo” 


Denise posted this message in my Facebook group, Beyond The Bridge Pet Parent Grief Support.

“Hi !  This is Oreo’s mommy, Denise. Cherokee Billie was amazing yesterday when she talked with me and Oreo. I have been heartbroken over the news of Oreo’s illness. I haven’t been able to move pass the grief and anger; not until yesterday. Billie helped me so much; I now feel prepared to care for my baby and give her all the love and support she so desperately needs.

I have seen such a difference in Oreo, since yesterday. She has seemed a lot more comfortable and slept at longer intervals. Her appetite has improved too. Thank you Cherokee Billie Spiritual Advisor for all your love and support for me and Oreo.”

A message like this makes me feel like I’m doing the work that I was meant to do.  So many animals I have done communicating or healing with over the years and I have not written about them and now I feel it’s time to start sharing the stories from real people about Pet Psychic work..

Oreo crossed the Rainbow Bridge November 17, 2021.  She passed peacefully and I was able to go with her and she was greeted by her sister and my cat Isis.  She is happy.  Please pray for Denise and her family who are suffering from the loss of this beautiful special little girl.  Thank you.

Find out more about my Pet Communication and Energy Healing by Clicking Here.

Sending love and light to all pet parents.

Many blessings,
Cherokee Billie


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