Christmas Blessings

December 22, 2016

Christmas Blessings

As we traverse through the holiday season and come to the end of this year, read this intention, wish with all your heart, "know" with that magical part of you, and light a white candle.

Send these blessings and magical intentions into your white candle:

Peace & Harmony...May all and any issues causing you concern smooth out and resolution be found.

Prosperity...where there is material need, may the golden touch of a golden angel bring you a blessed and full cornucopia.

Love...amplified a gazillion times, like the stars in the heavens.

Success...on all your many and varied adventures and projects.

Health...may all the infirmities that we suffer be rolled into one large black ball, and may this ball be given a mighty toss, that it rolls away, past the moon, past the stars, to a netherworld.

Hope...that we all know good things are right around the corner.

Laughter...because it feels good and makes us healthy, and when we laugh our personal magical energy is released in beautiful silver bubbles that burst all over the universe, causing a contagious rush of happiness to the world.

Satisfaction...that we are content with ourselves, wherever we are at this point, with whatever we may be doing, that we know we've given life our best shot, and where the universe takes will be our destiny.

May your Christmas sparkle with moments of love, laughter and goodwill, and may the year ahead be full of contentment and joy!

Holiday blessings,
Cherokee Billie

Thank you for being part of my life this past year and I look forward to your being a part of my life in the coming year. If you feel that my work has helped you please consider a Donation to support my Spiritual Ministry.  Click Here.

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