Signs You Are With a Narcissist

October 03, 2016 1 Comment

Signs You Are With a Narcissist

In today's world, the term "narcissistic" has come to mean little more than vain. But narcissism is far more complex than that. It exists in many shades along a continuum from extra-healthy ego to pathological grandiosity.

If you're dating someone who exhibits signs of narcissism that might be a major red flag for your relationship. Here are some signs you should look for:

  •  They don’t care about your feelings, thoughts or ideas.
  •  They are into themselves more than they are into you?
  •  Everything is always all about them.
  •  They don’t live by anyone else's rules.
  •  They do not want to hear about your issues.
  •  When you argue, it's always your fault.
  •  If they are angry, it's also your fault.
  •  "You made me mad. I'm only mad because you ____!"

Again, blaming others is a narcissistic means of sustaining self-worth. But beware of getting mad back at a narcissist; they'll respond with fury. They can get mad at you (because it's your fault if they are mad), but all hell is likely to break loose if you dare to show even slight irritation toward them.

I know this quite well from having been married to a narcissist. This was close to 40 years ago and no one knew about narcissism at that time.  When I wrote my book thirteen years ago this really wasn’t as well known, but I knew what I had been through was not normal.  I have written a book about this narcissistic situation called “Heavenly Seduction.”

Please feel free to leave comments about a relationship you feel you have been in that was narcissistic.

Many blessings,
Cherokee Billie

1 Response


April 09, 2018

I believe I am married to a narcissist… and I do not know what to do any longer. I feel exhausted, broken, stuck….. I know I’d be better off alone than in this relationship, but I do not know how to do that! I am unable to work, but never won disability. My children are unable to help. Hindsight… I should have annulled this marriage at our one month anniversary when he showed his true light.

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