Archangel Raphael the Divine Healer

July 12, 2020 3 Comments

Archangel Raphael the Divine Healer

Archangel Raphael is one of the principal angels of healing and has the capacity to guide all healers. Archangel Raphael rules over the planet Mercury and Wednesday.

Archangel Raphael the Divine Healer

Archangel Raphael works on the Emerald Green Ray of Light.  One of the ways you may be connecting with him is if you are attracted to the Emerald Green color or you happen to see flashes of different shades of green in meditation or out of the corner of your eye.

He works with healers both professional and nonprofessional.  He often will direct and guide a healer in the direction they should go for their client.

His healing is not restricted to the physical, but he works on the emotional and spiritual healing of a person as well.  Sometimes that healing is more necessary than the physical.  Often if you are healed mentally and spiritually a physical restriction will not bother you as much.  I know this from personal experience.

All my life I was attracted to the color Emerald Green.  Anytime I would see it I would want to go near that color.  I did not know it was associated with Archangel Raphael, yet, it spoke to me.

I find him to be of great comfort to anyone who calls on him, and not just humans, but animals as well.

Often when I’m doing energy work on animals I find myself being guided in a certain direction on their body.  One example was while I was working on a cat that could not walk and the doctors could not find what was causing the problem.  As I was moving my hands along the spinal column, and I was doing this remotely, I paused at a certain area and when I did I felt a click like a chiropractic adjustment right on that vertebra.  When I finished the cat jumped off the bed and was walking around normal.  Still is to this day.

I was so grateful to Archangel Raphael for showing me his power in that moment.

If you know someone who is facing a medical crisis ask Archangel Raphael to guide the doctors hands and give them knowledge, that they otherwise would not have, on how to best take care of their patient.

Do not feel that Archangel Raphael is not working with you if you do not have a complete healing.  There are often reasons that go beyond our understanding as to why that does not occur.  Trust that you are receiving healing on a vibrational level that is beyond the physical.  Thanking him for being with you is very important as you are demonstrating your belief and faith without evidence.  This is when miracles can happen.

Here Are Some of the Ways to Draw Archangel Raphael to You: 

  • Envision Emerald Green light in front of you. Take a deep breath and feel this Emerald green light coming into your body.  Continue deep breathing until you feel your whole body vibrating in this rich glorious color.
  • Picture Archangel Raphael wrapping you in his arms and rest gently as he works his healing on you. Once again thank him for being with you.
  • Wear green clothing, jewelry or decorate your home in green. This activates the healing energy around you and gives you a visual reminder of the power of this magnificent archangel.  This will help activate healing energy within you.
  • Green is a very calming energy. When you pull in that calming energy you are activating the highest potential for healing.
  • By using this green color you will be calling in Archangel Raphael to be with you throughout your day. This will keep your vibration on a higher level.
  • Music that is peaceful and calming will also bring in the vibration of healing from Archangel Raphael. Take time each day to listen to something that really relaxes you.
  • Spend time around nature. Even if it’s just plants in your own window box.  Make sure you connect to the vibration of the green color through creation.  Mother Nature works with Archangel Raphael.
  • Use green crystals to pull in Archangel Raphael. Green is the color of the Heart Chakra and that is the main Chakra Archangel Raphael works with.  So your heart will be getting healed along with other parts of your body.
  • Crystals can activate the light of Raphael in your space and hold the channel open for this flow of energy to come through in the physical plane.
  • Carry, wear, or have around your work space green crystals. You can use crystals such as malachite, emeralds, jade, or fluorite to remind yourself that Archangel Raphael is with you.

Archangel Raphael’s energy flowing around you can activate the chakras bringing balance to all centers in the body.  Your soul will feel the difference.

If you would like help working with Archangel Raphael contact me and together we will get him into your life.

Angelic blessings,
Cherokee Billie

3 Responses

Lollie Wong
Lollie Wong

March 31, 2022

Thank you for having me contact arkangel Raphael. He has helped me and I can reach him anytime by looking into the flames 🔥 of our fireplace. It will be all gold and red and then I see the emerald green appear when I speak to him. Amazing

Debra kirktindoll
Debra kirktindoll

March 13, 2022

I’m putting together alter for the Archangels Michael & Raphael, Ancestors, Guide. I never knew Archangel Raphael is guide under my birthday 6/13. Thank you Cherokee Billie. Green candle green plants green crown etc.

Ray Susani
Ray Susani

July 13, 2020

Great article. I know he has helped me more then 1 time. Last April and May for 1. Thank You Billie for all you have taught and done for me personally

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