Are You Spiritually Waking Up? By Cherokee Billie

April 24, 2024 1 Comment

Are You Spiritually Waking Up? By Cherokee Billie

Do you ever get the feeling that what you have experienced spiritually in your past no longer serves you and don’t feel a “fit” with other religions or beliefs? Perhaps you are someone who feels that they must strike out on their own and “leave home” so to speak.

This is a time of great spiritual change as the worlds of the spirit and this material one are co-mingling. As you already “Feel” one is layered on top of the other. You are awakening to a very strong pull of the spirit that is calling to you. This pull is what some call God, source energy, The Light, and The Divine. It is a surge of spiritual power that is more solid than stone or the ground under your feet. There is no need to feel fearful. If you weren’t ready for this next step you wouldn’t have been called. It is just that simple. It is what led Buddha to renounce his life of luxury as a prince; called Christ into the wilderness and has reached out to many inspired teachers and people throughout history. It calls you to the oneness of all and to leave your old ways of fearful Us vs Them thinking behind you. You are being called to the remembering of who and what you are. You are being called into the Light. You are being called into a life of service to Life and Love.

Light Worker

Here is a short questionnaire that should help you find out if this is something that is calling out to you in your life.


Answer the Questions Below

  • Do you feel a sense of time urgency within you?
  • Do you feel drawn to help humanity?
  • Do you feel drawn to spirituality?
  • Have you been told by others that you are too sensitive?
  • Do you feel different from others?
  • Do you believe that spiritual methods can heal any situation?
  • Do you know that you are here for a higher purpose?

If you answered yes to any of these questions and resonate with the definitions of a Light Worker given, the chance is that you are a light worker, however, only you can truly answer this question for yourself. You may also have tried to follow your families’ religion devoutly, but feel that you have not felt like you are getting the right answers or maybe you have just “outgrown” it and feel the need to search on your own. If you feel this need and you receive the prompts, you are on your new path. You have reached a point on your journey where you are ready for a spiritual upgrade. This is why you are here. I have been where you are and I know the feeling of hollowness and spiritual hunger. You need renewal.

Know that what you are experiencing is real. Do not worry about what anyone else thinks about regarding your experience. All you have to remember is that to those of us who receive this feeling - no explanation is necessary. To the others who don’t know no explanation will suffice. You are embarking on a journey that will lead you to many new and wonderful experiences.

Need help on your spiritual journey?  Let me guide you on the right direction for your life.  Check out my services to find which one would be the best for you.  Click Here

Many blessings,
Cherokee Billie

1 Response

Sue Wells
Sue Wells

August 12, 2021

Thank you Earth Angel 😇

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