Your Pet Is Spiritually Communicating With You! By Cherokee Billie

June 03, 2019 8 Comments

Your Pet Is Spiritually Communicating With You! By Cherokee Billie

Pets have amazing abilities to communicate with their Pet Parent using telepathy.  They do this when they are living and they will still communicate when they have passed on.

Your precious pet is not only your best friend, but your confidant and baby.  When it is their turn to pass this relationship does not end or change.

Your beloved pet often becomes your spirit animal guide from the other side.  Often you will catch glimpses of them or they may come into your dreams.  No matter what they are always close to you even if you can’t sense, see or feel them they are with you.  Trust that their spirit lives on and does communicate and visit with you.

Find Out More About My Animal Communication Service By Clicking Here.

Sometimes a person will sense their deceased pet around them.  They might feel them jumping up on the bed, hear them making sounds, the jingle of their collar or sense them walking around.  These experiences can happen long after your pet has passed.  I personally have had a dog of mine that passed over 30 years ago suddenly appear walking down the hallway in my new apartment.  It was like she was checking to see where I’m at and if this was a good place.

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These are the most common signs from a departed pet.

These are natural signs, but what do you do if you want to spiritually communicate with your pet and they haven’t died yet?

What about a pet that is currently living?  Are they trying to communicate with you?  Yes they are and some of you can pick up what they are saying and some don’t.

Their communication is on a spirit level using telepathic communication.  They are far more advanced than we are in that they can instantly communicate telepathically whereas we as humans have to work to learn how to do that.

How Pets Spiritually Communicate With Their Human Parents

Have you ever been occupied and suddenly a happy image of your little pet keeps popping into your mind?  Your pet is trying to get your attention.  They want you to know that they’re thinking of you.

Pet’s mission on this planet is to bring joy and happiness to us humans.  You could call it their soul path.  They want you to know they are thinking of you.

One of the most incredible communications I have had with one of my pet babies came from my cat Isis.  One morning about 6:30 AM I heard a voice calmly in clearly say to me, “There is someone in the house.” When I opened my eyes Isis was on my chest with her face right at mine.  I immediately turned on the close circuit cameras and saw the intruder.  I was able to scare them off by shouting into the intercom system.  I couldn’t believe what had happened that day and even now many years later it still amazes me.  It shows how much my precious cat Isis was taking care of me.

Our pets do consider it part of their mission in this life to take care of us.  We think we’re taking care of them when in reality it’s the other way around.

Pet signals

Have you ever been occupied and had a feeling that something was wrong with your pet?  Has your pet ever been at the vet’s and you start to feel that something is not right.  That is your little pet communicating to you spiritually through telepathic methods.  They are using their energy to call you.  They don’t need a cell phone like we humans do.

What to do if this happens

Immediately Respond!  First and foremost communicate with your mind and they will pick up what you are saying telepathically.  Send them calm energy.  If they are at the vet’s office call immediately.  Keep sending those calming messages with your mind as they will receive them. 

Your pet will always let you know if there is a problem and keep your telepathic antenna on alert.  Your pet will contact you telepathically when there is an emergency.  They can do it.  You may not have been able to tune into them, but remember they are always sending messages to you.  It takes a bit of concentration and increasing your intuitive self, but you can start hearing and sensing messages from your pet.

If you are like me you probably sing special songs to your pet.  If you haven’t think of a song that reminds you of them or maybe make up one of your own.

Singing is a powerful form of communication that animals respond to.  I’ve had this happen with all of my pets from parakeets to dogs and cats.  With each one I’ve had a special song that they resonate to.

Singing is a method of communicating love and it’s the only language that does not need an interpretation.

If your pet has passed on you can still sing a song to them.  I had a dog named Lady back in the seventies and eighties.  I always sang to her the song Foxy Lady by Jimi Hendrix.  A few years after her passing I was in my car and that song came on the radio and I just broke down crying remembering her.  I’m sure it was her way of saying hello.  Music touches the soul more than anything else.

If you are grieving over the loss of a pet, songs can be a great release as well as helping you connect to their spirit.  Remember if the song suddenly comes to your mind it is your pet communicating.  They want you to be happy and they are bringing up good memories.

I hope this has helped you understand some of the ways that your pets are communicating with you.

Pay attention to the body language and the vocalization of your pet as that will tell you many things that is going on with them and what they feel about you.  Remember you are number one to them and nobody else will ever replace you in their life. 

Even if your pet is deaf they still can pick up your telepathic messages.  Just like your beloved pet that is crossed over will still get your messages.  Never stop communicating with them.

It is possible to communicate with any living being.  That is what I do in my spiritual pet readings.  If you would like to know more about what your pet has to say to you, be it living or deceased CONTACT ME and I will help you.  I find communicating with animals to be the most rewarding work that I do.

Your pet is always communicating and it’s just learning how to intercept their messages.

Check out my eBook Spiritually Connecting with Your Animals HERE

Many blessings,
Cherokee Billie

8 Responses


January 21, 2022

My baby Tuti has been gone 8 months and I still have my soul in pieces. I feel emptiness in my home my heart. I still cry for her every single day. I sometimes think how can I over come such a tremendous loss. I miss her every single day. Miss her so very much!!! 😭😢


December 24, 2021

I have been going through a spiritual awakening The past several months and my daughters cat has been glued to me a lot lately like even my kids notice but he is getting a bit aggressive like super loveable very stalker is but likes to hug me but is a bit aggressive but stops when I tell him to meows so much when I move he moves he is in heat but he is only like this with me . No one else in the house . Is it spiritual or something else?

Meghan Sebek
Meghan Sebek

April 22, 2021

I lost my sweet fur baby 1 week ago. It was very sudden and unexpected. I cried 3 days straight. I think I’m cried out but I feel such a deep loss. She was an angelic sweet soul. I saw a coyote in the dark driving home the night we put her down. It popped its head out of the trees and our headlights bounced off its eyes. I’ve never seen a coyote in person before. I immediately felt like it was Riley saying that she’s ok. Could it be?? RIP RILEY WE LOVE YOU!

Ray riley
Ray riley

December 21, 2020

I miss my cat and i desperately need to know that he is ok and is with me. I miss him deeply. Our bond and love is too strong to be broken…by anything.

Boyd Bonett
Boyd Bonett

November 15, 2020

Beautiful read. Thank you. my little Tammy the Tabby cat passed ov3r on June 23rd. She was 2 years and 8 months old. I am still grieving. I cried all throughout reading your article. I would fo anything to communicate with her and hear from her and about her new path. I miss her so very much. How do I go about atuning myself to be able to hear from her.


June 09, 2019

Thank you as this give great comfort to know the pets I have loved, the animals I connect with everywhere, are there. I connect with every animal I meet, and have great love for them. I see the birds are thankful when I put birdseed and food out for them. I come to know the regulars and the new visitors who eventually become regulars too. I try to help people to understand the importance of all animals as so many people are so clueless with animals or nature. The only love I have ever really felt were from animals. I just never got the love I needed from humans, but some how the animals were able to give me the love I so desperately needed. I stop to help an animal in need whenever possible. I feel a connection with every animal I meet. I still think of my past pets and still talk about them as if they were still here. I needed to know that pets do go to heaven, as I never wanted to go to a heaven without animals. I would be too lonely if animals weren’t there. I feel better now, I know animals are in heaven and when my time comes, I will hang out with the animals, my pets, and all the animals I passed paths with, however long or short, to come say hello. As I always remember the animals I meet along the way. I wish I wasn’t so sad, but I know animals will get me thru all the sad and lonely times. Thanks for sharing your love with animals and helping us to know they are with us now and we shall meet again. I plan to use your service in the nearby future, just to help connect with my passed pets, to give me a comfort to connect with them.

Shanette Kleian
Shanette Kleian

June 06, 2019

Cherokee Billie, you are such A beautiful soul. I cant begin to tell you enouph just how much your videos mean to me. I come to you sad and missing my cat Samie so badly, than i listen to you and i leave your videos feeling at peace again. Thank you again & God bless you. I hear and feel Samie all the time. Feeling him missing me as I miss him. We are so inseperable I still sleep with his box of ashes and talk to him all the time. 💖🙏


June 04, 2019

I absolutely loved this article, thank you so much Cherokee! 💕💕💕🙏🏻

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