Autumn Equinox September 22, 2021

September 15, 2021

Autumn Equinox September 22, 2021

So much is going on in our world right now the Pandemic, hurricanes, wildfires, earthquakes, floods, loss of work  and most important the loss of loved ones.  It's time to welcome in the Fall Autumn Equinox.  This will be a time that we can use for quiet and silence.  Our minds have been racing nonstop and in the midst of all this chaos the autumn equinox's brings to attention the fact that everything does change.  Nothing remains the same and that's something you need to hold on to right now.

The September Fall/Autumn Equinox occurs the moment the Sun crosses the celestial equator – the imaginary line in the sky above the Earth’s equator – from north to south. This happens on September 22 – 24 and will mark the Autumnal Equinox which signals the beginning of Fall in the northern hemisphere (our friends in the southern hemisphere are celebrating the Spring Equinox). There will be an equal amount of light and darkness during this time, and afterwards the nights grow longer and we head towards winter.

For us in the Northern Hemisphere, people are enjoying the cooler days of autumn even as preparations for winter are underway.

Autumn Blessings

Fall is my favorite season.  I seem to come alive more at this time than any other time of the year.  I have always noticed the change that comes over me this time of year. Although the nights are getting cooler, the days are still warm, and there is something magical in the sunlight, for it seems silvery and indirect.

It’s also such a powerful spiritual time of year. Equinox's are powerful portals and crossing points.  The veil between the two worlds thins and it’s the perfect time to communicate with deceased loved ones, ancestors, angels, and spirit guides.

This year the Autumn Equinox falls two days after the Harvest Full Moon.  This is a time of a powerful 3 Day Galactic Portal time and the Birthing of The Shift: whereby there is a wonderful Opportunity to set the pattern/s of your Life to exactly how YOU want it to look, like or be. A beginning of a true quickening of “Realty” shifts based on your “output” of energies of your thoughts, words, intentions, and deeds.

A great time for creating with an open -heart based Consciousness. Positive, loving, benevolent, life affirming, compassionate energies bring quick” like” experiences.. On the other hand, Negative, harmful energies No longer have the use or support of Universal Life Force and so will falter…So.. May All Blessings and Good be Yours! Create Wonderfully and Joyfully!

Equinox, meaning “equal night”, has its share of folklore and tradition as well. Some are rooted in Mythology; others are more grounded and carry their tradition to this day.

Folklore surrounding Autumn Equinox included the following:

  • In Greek mythology, Persephone (formerly named Kore) returns to the Underworld on Autumn Equinox to live with her husband, Hades, for half a year after living on Earth with her mother, Demeter, starting at Vernal Equinox.
  • Higan (meaning “the other shore”—nirvana), a Buddhist memorial service, occurs around the time of Autumnal Equinox (as well as Vernal Equinox), for seven days and serves to comfort ancestral spirits with loved ones visiting family graves.
  • Michaelmas, the Christian holiday honoring the Archangel Michael, has pagan roots in Autumn Equinox—end of harvest time, the marking of shorter days and longer nights, as well as the expulsion of Lucifer from Heaven by Archangel Michael. Michael is a warrior angel and will fight battles for you if you ask him.
  • Mabon, the Witch’s Thanksgiving. Mabon was a Welsh god and the male “counterpart” to the Persephone myth. Taken from his mother while only days old, Mabon gestates in the womb of Modron (the Great Mother) waiting to be reborn.

Clearly, this time of year has a variety of cultural observances spread around the world, diverse in custom, yet united in season. This September, when experiencing one of the biannual “Balancing of Nature”, remember the multitude of celebrations that share the advent of Autumn.

The sun is rising later now and nightfall comes sooner. This is our autumn equinox, when the days are getting shorter in the Northern Hemisphere. At this equinox, day and night are approximately equal in length. For us in the Northern Hemisphere, people are enjoying the cooler days of autumn even as preparations for winter are underway

A great time for creating with an open -heart based Consciousness. Positive, loving, benevolent, life affirming, compassionate energies bring quick” like” experiences.. On the other hand, Negative, harmful energies No longer have the use or support of Universal Life Force and so will falter…So.. May All Blessings and Good be Yours! Create Wonderfully and Joyfully!

Autumn Cider

To welcome in this beautiful and magical season use some of the following to embrace all that is good.

  • Incense or scents to use: Pine, sage, sweetgrass or myrrh.
  • Seasonal Herbs: Rue, yarrow, rosemary, marigold, sage, walnut leaves and husks, mistletoe, saffron, oat leaves, apple.

As a Spiritual Advisor on I am able to help you move forward in your life with one of my services.  Click Here for Discount

Autumn blessings,
Cherokee Billie Spiritual Advisor

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