Have you heard of Cherokee Billie Spiritual Advisor?

July 27, 2022

Have you heard of Cherokee Billie Spiritual Advisor?

You may have recently found out about me and some of you have known me for quite a while - I thought you might like to know a bit about my Small Business. I am often asked what started me doing a Small Business as a Professional Spiritual Advisor.

It started long ago being connected with the spirit world from childhood.  My goal was to be a doctor and I did become a naturopathic doctor working over 10 years in association with a chiropractic office.  I always had a drive to help people.  

As an adult I spent six years in a school for metaphysics and that really gave me a solid spiritual foundation. I studied with various spiritual teachers privately for 10 years.  My life came to a a complete and sudden stopped in 1990 as I had a severe accident that injured my hips and I became bedridden.  I took my time to find a new way to support myself and pay caregivers.

I had been doing readings for friends for years, but never thought about doing it professionally.  In 2007 I was offered a job working on a psychic line on the Internet.  So I started doing Psychic Readings professionally.  Working a psychic line is like being in a factory. You have to pop out the answers like you are shooting a machine gun.  Within a few months I was the top psychic on the line.  It did not pay very well and I got to thinking I could do this myself.

January 2008 I launched my website Cherokee Billie.  Surprisingly I made it to the front page of Google almost immediately and my business took off.  As I worked with people I noticed that what most people needed was guidance on day to day life.  I started teaching in combination with doing readings.  This has proved to be the most effective method to help people. Just so you know I do not use Tarot or Oracle cards.  All answers come direct from the Spirit World.

My biggest source of enjoyment in doing this work is Communicating with Animals.  I communicate with animals that are living or deceased.  Animals are so easy to communicate with, as they answer telepathically.  They always have something to say.  I’ve worked with animals from every species, from goldfish to tigers.  It is incredibly satisfying to do remote energy work on a pet and they respond immediately.  The pet parent is always surprised at how suddenly their dog or cat is lying down and sleeping as I work on them.

I also discovered that I was able to communicate with the deceased.  I had never really thought about doing this and it wasn’t until a client asked me if I could connect her to her deceased son that I gave it a try. I started appearing regularly on radio programs doing readings.  .

The most happiness I receive is in giving answers and solid guidance.  So my business has gone through many evolution's over the years.  .

YouTube became the most popular way for me to connect with people.  I was able to share what I have learned spiritually and found people were attracted to my messages.  Even though I had written hundreds of articles, yet nothing was as powerful as YouTube.

Since launching my business 14 years ago the Internet has gone through tremendous changes and now it is bombarded with large corporate psychic lines, spiritual advisors, and private psychics.

Because I give such clarity and guidance many of my old clients only call once in a while because they have received the help they needed and their lives have improved.  I’m so grateful when I hear from one of them, because it’s wonderful to hear about their growth.

Cherokee Billie Spiritual AdvisorThe current trend is to show your office or your surroundings on video.  This is not going to be something I do because my office is my bed!  I am crippled and I work from my bed.  I am not seeking sympathy in stating this, but letting people know why I do not often make a video showing me, because I feel it would be a great invasion of my privacy to film me in bed.  Many people are surprised that I can do such tremendous work even though I’m disabled.  My belief is that if you are determined and are good at what you do, nothing can stop you.

As a small business owner the past 3 years has been challenging because of the pandemic. Let’s face it our world has changed and we now have to do things differently and will continue to have to do things differently than we did before. So many small businesses have gone under and it is a struggle to keep business flowing.

Everything you see on my website, articles, books, and my videos are done by me.  I do not have a staff.  I am not the most technically advanced person, and there’s many things I wish I knew how to do, but I’m a small little cog in the giant cyber world.  No matter what I keep moving forward.

So you now have heard the history of my little company.  The big companies are giving small businesses a run for the money, but it doesn’t mean we will not succeed.  For me success is in helping a person connect to their true spiritual self and being able to live a happier and more fulfilled life. Support My Small Business!  Purchase a Service, Class, eBook or donate.

Many blessings,
Cherokee Billie

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