Bring Clarity and Healing into this Year!

January 02, 2017

Bring Clarity and Healing into this Year!

Each day creates an atmosphere of renewal for all of us. Regardless of what mistakes have been made in the past or what projects might remain unfinished; every day provides an opportunity to make things better. As with all beginnings, however, getting started can be the most challenging step. My Spiritual Advisor services can help you welcome the New Year by clarifying your purpose and illuminating the paths you can take to reach your goals. How else can spiritual guidance assist your transition into 2024? Read on.

The Strength to Make Important Life Decisions.

The intuition of a spiritual advisor can aid your ability to make the right decisions related to business or your personal life. Spiritual guidance for enhancing relationships, seizing promotions and resolving any problems that currently block your success can elevate you to new frontiers, and encourage you to pursue the path that is right for you.

Guidance from Loved Ones in the Spirit World.

Contacting with loved ones who have passed away, angels, and other guides in the spiritual realm is also a popular reason to seek a spiritual reading. With my Guided Journey into Spirit I am able to take you into Spirit and you can communicate face to face with a deceased loved one, Angel, guides, or ancestors.  No medium needed.  As far as I know I’m the only person who is able to offer to this special service. With my service I am able to connect you to that loved one and bring healing closure.  If grief continues to consume you after the death of a partner, friend or family member, connecting with their spirit can allow you to come face to face with them and receive messages they have intended for you. In some cases, the deceased person may also be able to offer wisdom on issues with which they were familiar when they were still alive.

Balancing Your Spiritual Self

Everyone has energy centers known as Chakas and these reflect the health, state of mind and other factors of your well-being. I am able to balance your Chakas remotely by phone and you will find an increased energy and calmness. You’ll have an awareness of what Energies centers are being blocked and what you can do to help them keep flowing.  I also offer a personal class on Chaka Balancing. Balancing your spiritual energies will undoubtedly help you find your true spiritual self.

While each New Year comes with new challenges, the intuitive powers of a spiritual advisor can provide insight into what we offer the world and how to harness these individual skills. Better communication with oneself is among the most powerful tools for success and happiness throughout life. With this information in mind, you will be better prepared to increase your quality of life next year and in the years beyond. Strive to free your spirit from negative energies and begin today on the right foot!

Arrange an appointment by calling (786)-375-5434 and let’s start your Year in the right direction!

Many blessings,
Cherokee Billie

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