Full Harvest Moon September 29, 2023 in Aries

September 12, 2023

Full Harvest Moon September 29, 2023 in Aries

Are you ready for an incredible astronomical event? Get ready to be wowed by the Harvest Moon in Aries! This year's Harvest Moon will be shining bright in the night sky on September 29, 2023

As Aries is one of the most dynamic and energetic signs of the zodiac, Aries brings a burst of energy and enthusiasm to everything it touches. This Full Moon is a perfect time to take action, make changes, and pursue your goals and dreams with confidence and determination. In traditional Skylore, the Harvest Moon is the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox, which will take place on Sept. 22.  There’s more power around this full Moon then any of the others this past year because of it coming right next to the Fall Equinox.  

Check Out My Special October Spiritual Guidance.

Unlike other Full Moons, this one is specifically related to the Autumn (Northern Hemisphere) or Spring (Southern Hemisphere) Equinoxes on 22 September. It is a time where Everything is illuminated in order to gather the harvest. The Full Moon sheds its brilliant light, making everything easy to see and gather. 

Find out more about the Autumn Equinox September 22, 2023

Whether you're looking to start a new project, take a bold step forward in your career, or deepen your relationships, the Full Moon in Aries is a great time to do it. With the fiery energy of Aries behind you, you'll find that you have the courage and motivation you need to make things happen.

So mark your calendars and get ready for a powerful and exciting Full Moon on September 29, 2023. We can't wait to see what you'll accomplish!

The Harvest Moon is a spectacular astronomical event that occurs once a year when the moon is at its fullest. This year's Harvest Moon promises to be a sight to behold, so get ready to feast your eyes on the stunning lunar display.

Whether you're an avid stargazer or simply enjoy the beauty of the night sky, the Harvest Moon is an event not to be missed. So mark your calendars, gather your friends and family, and get ready to enjoy a night of wonder under the Harvest Moon.

We certainly need some changes with all that we have been through the past 3 years.  You have to admit this has been the strangest time ever.  This September Full Moon is bringing us personal freedom.  Good luck seems to be migrating around this Full Moon.  After so much darkness this past year it’s like a light is coming on and shining down on us in a positive manner.  So the spiritual meaning of full moon September 2023 is related to optimism, generosity, good fortune, and good news.

In olden days the farmers would use the full Harvest Moon to bring in their crops, because it stayed light so long on this night, and maybe that is the message that is here for us.  The Harvest Moon puts the focus on the harvest in our lives, whether it is the literal harvest with crops from your garden, or the energy around you that you are harvesting, this is a really important time to know where you stand and how you are finishing out your year.

Unlike other Full Moons, this one is specifically related to the Autumn (Northern Hemisphere) or Spring (Southern Hemisphere) Equinoxes on 22 September. It is a time where everything is illuminated in order to gather the harvest. The Full Moon sheds its brilliant light, making everything easy to see and gather.

The veils between the worlds are thinnest around a full moon, so be careful what you invite in. It is best used to purge things out, and banish the negative energies back to the underworld from where they came. Make sure you close the door firmly afterwards! This is a good time for learning and practicing the White Light Protection of God.

Now more than ever we need to keep our spiritual and physical selves protected with the wonderful power of God’s White Light.

It is perfectly fine to have big visions and to strive to live our dreams however, under this energy, we need to bring our focus and attention to how we are actually spending the minutes of our day.

It’s what we do day in and day out that creates our life, so think about your daily routine and how you can tidy things up and schedule more time for the things you really want to do.

If you have felt sluggish, unmotivated or if things have been moving too slow for your liking, September may bring the push you have been looking for. If there is something you’ve been meaning to do, or something you wish to cross off your to-do list, take action this full Moon, as you may just find things get done much quicker than expected!

It is time for us to spiritually shed the dead parts from our souls, just like the trees are letting go of the leaves, and make way for the new growth that is being released at this sacred time. This is your opportunity to advance your soul growth. Do not let this moment pass you by. 

This is a wonderful time to do a Full Moon Release Ceremony.

While September proves to be a generous month, we must be ever conscious of the path ahead, the needs that may arise and that life is always a maze of shifts, twists and turns.

Uncover and understand what came before and what lies ahead in the spiritual harvest of September’s gratitude and grace.  All Full Moons offer the opportunity to let go – and here, the door is open.

This is the harvest time, where all the hard work and effort we have put into things in the past, so tirelessly, is about to be rewarded. We will start to reap what we have sewn.

Things have definitely not been easy this year and you may be feeling tired like you have been working so hard for little reward, but do not give up even though you are tired. Do not quit so close to the finish line as you are nearly there and with the energy that is coming through you will be able to reach your goals.

What are you harvesting now?  Take advantage of a Full Moon Reading which will give you guidance on your path. This is a special time of year to direct how your year ends. I have designed a reading that will be perfect to harness the energy of what is occurring now in your life!

Full Moon Blessings,
Cherokee Billie

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