Full Moon June 5, 2020 in Sagittarius and Lunar Eclipse

May 29, 2020

Full Moon June 5, 2020 in Sagittarius and Lunar Eclipse

On June 5 we welcome The Strawberry Moon and the Lunar Eclipse in the fire-sign Sagittarius. This Full Moon will be guiding us to stand strong, claim our power, and allow our inner voice to speak.  So it’s time to pay attention to that still small voice inside of you.

Lunar Eclipses are like heightened Full Moons that bring shift, change, and breakthroughs.  So be ready to break through any blockages you have had and have liberation of spirit.

It is the first in a trio of Eclipses, and as we walk this Eclipse Gateway over the coming weeks, we will discover a new path emerging, one that is very different from the path we were walking before.

Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael will be working with us and helping us to slow down and breathe. He knows that our lives have been hectic and demanding because of the pandemic and the lockdown.  Emotions have been raging and he is here to help us heal and be born again into a New World. 

Now more than ever its time to stay in the present moment.  Manifest within your heart and soul the spirit of Love and Light and send it out to the world that is filled with great darkness.

Even the tiniest candle can light the darkest room.  Our job on this planet is to be a part of this light movement and send out our little beam of light as much as possible.

Archangel Raphael will lend you his patience, his understanding and his grounding to help you along. His name means “he who heals or God heals” and he can teach you these traits while gently guiding you. Ask Archangel Raphael to come to you on this Full Moon and teach you the ways of breath, focus and serenity.

Allow yourself to let go of any frustrations and don’t allow them to hold onto you. Be like water and allow yourself to flow through your day. Feel the cool of the water and the gentleness that it carries.  Ask Archangel Raphael to be there with you during these moments, watching over the situation and whispering in your ear actions to consider taking. Breathe through the situations that test your patience, and feel, or sense, the steps that you must take. Practice this on a daily basis and it will become second nature in no time.

Prayer/Mantra:  Archangel Raphael, God’s healer. Be with me always and teach me your patience and understanding. Lend me your strength of calm and guide me with your wisdom. Thank you for all that you are doing for me and those I love!  Amen.

June’s Full Strawberry Moon got its name because the Algonquin tribes knew it as a signal to gather ripening fruit. It was often known as the Full Rose Moon in Europe and the Honey Moon

Ever wonder why June has so many weddings?  Because the June full Moon has a yellow color like honey.  Therefore the term honeymoon was created.  It's not a coincidence in how this works in the lunar timeline.

Honey refers to the new marriage’s sweetness. Moon refers to how long that sweetness might probably last or from the changing aspect of the moon—from full to waning.

This full moon is used as a signal that fruit—particularly strawberries—are ready to be picked.  It's time for you to pick your intentions.

Clean Out Your Life - Start With:

You can take your time and do this cleaning over the next few weeks. It will benefit you enormously on your spiritual path.  Clutter tends to attract negative energy.  That's why cleaning out your home or office is important as it frees up the energy and lets the light in.

I feel that all full moons are a special time for us to connect to the Great Spirit as well as the moon.

Full Moon Psychic Reading

I offer a special Full Moon Reading that is unlike any spiritual or psychic reading you have ever received.  To learn more Click Here.

 Full Moon Blessings,
Cherokee Billie

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