Hunters Moon October 16, 2016

October 12, 2016

Hunters Moon October 16, 2016

Hunters Moon October 16, 2016

If you’re prone to tilt your head and howl at the moon, like the great hunters the coyotes, October 16, in Aries, will be the only night this month when the moon will be visible in the sky all night long. Just be mindful of the neighbors when you howl!

All you Moon Lovers Mark your calendars because this is the last Supermoon of the year! It is also known as a sanguine or “blood” moon, the term “Hunters Moon” is used traditionally to refer to a full moon that appears during the month of October. This full Moon is also called the Travel Moon and the Dying Grass Moon.

To the Native Americans full moons were a way to keep track of the seasons and make appropriate preparations for survival. Besides, with falling leaves and the fattening of wild game, also preparing for winter, who could argue that this month’s moon signaled a good time to go hunting. Hunter’s Moon the name for the full moon after the Harvest Moon, which is the full moon nearest the September autumnal equinox. That’s why October’s moon bears the name Hunter’s Moon.

The Hunters Full Moon is also called the Shedding Moon, Blood Moon, or the Falling Leaf Moon. Coming right before Samhain/Halloween, it is a time when the nights are crisp and clear, and you can sense a change in the energy around you. 

When the Moon is full the Sun and the Moon are in opposite zodiac signs. This is a time that is supercharged with balancing energies, although many tend to be thrown off by the intensity of the moon’s effect on us as she reaches her peak. This is a time when the Solar (masculine) and the Lunar (feminine) energies are in harmony. Now is a wonderful time for us to find a healthy balance of these two energies within. Within all of us are these two energies, whether male or female.

For those who set intentions with the New Moon, this is now a time of forward movement and a time for action, upon your intentions. The Full Moon supports and encourages breakthroughs and releases of that which no longer serves our greatest and highest good.

This Full Moon is to help clear and remove any blockages with you physical and spiritual bodies which may be still in your way, whether on a conscious or subconscious level. This healing supports and encourages the release of emotional blockages and fears that hold you back from realizing your Highest Potential.

Nature Spirits: frost faeries, plant faeries

Herbs: pennyroyal, thyme, catnip, uva ursi, angelica, burdock

Colors: dark blue-green

Flowers: calendula, marigold, cosmos

Scents: strawberry, apple blossom, cherry

Stones: opal, tourmaline, beryl, turquoise

Trees: yew, cypress, acacia

Animals: stag, jackal, elephant, ram, scorpion

Birds: heron, crow, robin

Deities: Ishtar, Astarte, Demeter, Kore, Lakshmi, Horned God, Belili, Hathor

Power Flow: To let go; inner cleansing. Karma and reincarnation. Justice and balance. Inner harmony.

This is the time to give thanks to the animals, fruits, and vegetables during this moon for giving their lives so we can live.

Use red candles and burn cinnamon, nutmeg or ginger as your incense during this full moon.

This is the time when the veil between our world and the spirit world are at its thinnest. Use this time for spiritual growth. If there is a deceased ancestor you wish to contact, this is a great month to do it. Throughout October work on your spiritual self, and pay attention to messages you get in your dreams. Plan a ritual to remember those who have passed from this world, and be sure to make an offering to them.

An in depth Spiritual Reading should be done every moon cycle. Since, every moon cycle represents a change it not only affects our external forces but our internal forces as well. Call today to find out what is in store for you during this time of change, (786)-375-5434

Learn About My Full Moon Special.

It is truly my honor to bring light, love, hope and healing to as many people as I can.

Full Moon Blessings,
Cherokee Billie

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