Live New Moon Radio Program September 19, 2017

September 17, 2017

Live New Moon Radio Program September 19, 2017

What Does the New Moon Hold For You?

I am pleased to announce that I will be doing a live radio program on BlogTalk Radio.  It is been many years since I have done a live radio show and I would like for you to join me as we discover more about this new Moon cycle. 

Throughout the history of mankind people have turned to the Moon as a source of guidance and enlightenment.  In this program I’m going to discuss what you can do to create new beginnings with the use of the New Moon.  What is your Animal Spirit Totem during the next month?  I will also be doing spiritual readings to guide you through this Moon cycle.

The program starts Tuesday September 19 at 9:00 PM Eastern Time, 8:00 PM Central Time, 6:00 PM Pacific Time. 

To Call in With Your Questions And Comments Dial (347) 994-2531.  You will be placed in the queue and I will answer the calls in order.

Many blessings,
Cherokee Billie

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