New Moon September 14, 2023 in Virgo

September 04, 2023

New Moon September 14, 2023 in Virgo

Brace yourselves, stargazers! The heavens are aligning in our favor - Thursday, September 14, 2023 marks the arrival of the new moon in Virgo, a sign known for practicality and attention to detail. And if that wasn't enough to celebrate, Mercury retrograde finally comes to an end on Friday, September 15!

This is the perfect time to set intentions and get organized. Take advantage of Virgo's energy to tackle tasks that have been on your to-do list for ages. Whether it's cleaning out your closet or finally starting that passion project, the stars are on your side. And with Mercury retrograde out of the way, communication and technology should start to run more smoothly.

So take a deep breath and let out a sigh of relief - things are looking up!

Dreams can now be a great source of healing inspiration – as can music, dance, art and poetry. According to the late, great Gabrielle Roth, “In many shamanic societies, if you came to a shaman or medicine person complaining of being disheartened, dispirited, or depressed, they would ask one of four questions. When did you stop dancing? When did you stop singing? When did you stop being enchanted by stories? When did you stop finding comfort in the sweet territory of silence? Where we have stopped dancing, singing, being enchanted by stories, or finding comfort in silence is where we have experience the loss of soul. Dancing, singing, storytelling, and silence are the four universal healing salves.”

Now is the time to apply those salves, but at the same time be reasonable with ourselves, making necessary adjustments to lifestyle and diet, applying helpful tonics, daily work-outs, singing, dancing and, perhaps most importantly, keeping a positive outlook foremost in one’s mind ~ being happy just where we are.

The spiritual meaning of the new moon is all about positive change, excitement, self-awareness and psychic ability.

This is a time of seeing clearly, of trusting, of connecting deeply with Source and stepping forth gracefully on ground that previously might have tripped us up. Time to activate our knowing and trust it will guide us through. We have made it this far and we will make it further.

This is a time of cutting any cords that bind you and let your freedom Fly!

However, by the end of the month any alienation that is felt matures into great self-sufficiency. The ability to look after oneself then is in turn bestowed upon the various waifs and strays that this New Moon can attract. At this time we might find ourselves providing temporary accommodation for those making difficult life transitions. A cosmic home is found amongst other outsiders.

The moon phases can affect our mind, body and emotions in the following ways:

Body- We tend to sleep less during the new moon phase and rise early. Our appetite tends to increase and we tend to experience spurts of energy.

Mind- This is a time we usually experience sudden insights and develop new ideas. It is a great time to be creative and participate in writing, painting or anything else that allows the mind to be inspired.

Emotions- During this time it is common to feel shy and experience sensitive feelings. It is a good time to stay away from crowds and to keep the focus on ourselves.

The new moon brings about a time of calmness and balance, while also bringing energy and acceptance that anything can be accomplished.

The New Moon is also called the Seed Moon. It is a time of sprouting and new beginnings. Use this time to set seeds of intentions for the following moon cycle and love watching what manifests throughout the month.

New moon rituals are perfect for planting new seeds and starting afresh. We are essentially working on the blank canvas of the dark moon where our ideas can gestate in the new moon soil. These thought-seeds are slowly awoken by the growing crescent moon as the day’s progress towards the illumination of the full moon. The darkness of the new moon gives peace and tranquility while our seed intentions slowly take root and sustenance form the fertile earth below. This period cannot be rushed and it is a great time to have some quiet dark-moon time to compose our goals and plans for the month ahead. Any wishes made at this time carry great force.

This is also the best time to write a list of cosmic orders, which can be big or small. Large-scale projects can bare fruit in 6 months time when the full Moon is the same sign again.

Add power to whatever ceremony you do by singing, drumming or raising energy in your own unique way.

As we come to the last part of the year you find the need to do something important, to hold for the greater good, to take a stand, or to feel empowered in your truth, remember the power of the water within you. The water in our blood and in our bodies is connected to all the waters of the world in ways that are compassionate, empowering, creative and ever flowing. It always finds or creates the right and correct path as it makes its way, as it flows from the places of old to the places of new with truth, conscience, responsible action, self empowerment, and personal sovereignty.

Make a fresh start in time to finish out the year with all of your intentions in place. It is important to pull our energy inward, to be the brightest lights we can, to show the greatest love we can. We hope the light we shine will catch others alight.

Remember my Special New Moon reading will give you guidance during this last quarter of the year.  Find out what you can do on this New Moon to create the New You!

New Moon Blessings,
Cherokee Billie

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