How to Channel a Deceased Loved One Audio Class

In this Audio Download I teach you the techniques for communicating with a deceased loved one.  This is a one hour fifty minute class that you can play over and over as I teach a small select group how to connect with their deceased loved ones. I will email This Audio Download to you ASAP

This is a remarkable experience and is extremely helpful as many people feel a great sense of loss during the holidays and hearing from a loved one can change the mood from sad to glad.

What I Do In This Audio Is:

  • Go over the ways that your loved ones attempt to communicate with you
  • Teach you techniques to start developing communication with your loved ones
  • Answer your questions about channeling
  • I give you the spiritual tools for you to communicate with your loved one.

You can have communication to someone that you have lost in this class I will give you the tools to help you.  

I believe that an individual is more likely to get communication with their loved one than someone else.  It may take time, but it can happen.  I know you’ll enjoy hearing the experiences of the other people in this class.

I also do private channeling if you desire as well as Private Classes



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