53 Years Since Jim Morrison Passed Into Spirit By Cherokee Billie

June 28, 2023 6 Comments

53 Years Since Jim Morrison Passed Into Spirit By Cherokee Billie

Jim Morrison, the legendary lead singer of The Doors, has been a source of inspiration for millions of people around the world for decades. His poetic lyrics, unique voice, and powerful stage presence continue to captivate generations even today. Personally, I have been touched by his music and philosophy for a long time. Jim Morrison's words and music have a certain rawness and authenticity that speaks to the deeper parts of the human experience. His songs like "Riders on the Storm," "Break on Through," and "The End" have become timeless classics, inspiring generations of artists and music lovers alike. His life, though short, was full of passion, creativity, and a sense of adventure that still resonates with his fans. Today, I honor Jim Morrison's legacy and the profound impact he has had on music, culture, and our lives.

“I see myself as a huge fiery comet, a shooting star. Everyone stops, points up and gasps, “Oh look at that!” Then- whoosh, and I’m gone…and they’ll never see anything like it ever again… and they won’t be able to forget me- ever.” Jim Morrison

Jim Morrison certainly had a clear vision of his life. He was born December 08, 1943, and passed away July 03, 1971. For those who may not know he was a singer, songwriter, philosopher, and poet. He is most famous for his work with the musical group The Doors. I have traveled the world, and, no matter what language, if I sing a few verses of “Light My Fire”, everyone knows that song, and they always smile.

He did not play any musical instruments, but he heard all of his songs in his head. Then he would hum the tune to the other musicians in The Doors, and they would compose what he heard in his head.

At the young age of 21, Jim Morrison and Ray Manzarek formed the group The Doors. Within one year they had a recording contract and shot to the top of the rock and roll world with the song “Light My Fire” in the summer of 1967. From there everything they recorded was always on top of the rock and roll charts.

Jim never sought fame and always considered himself first and foremost a poet. As the money came pouring in, the rest of the group started buying fancy cars and houses. Jim did not care about material possessions. He lived very simply. All he usually had with him was his clothes and books. He was an avid reader and never was without a book in his hand. He lived in $10.00 a night motels. He tried to have a car, but every car he ever had he ended up wrecking. He finally gave up on cars.

He wrote four poetry books and paid to have them published. The thing he was most proud of was his books.

Jim was the first rock star to ever be arrested on stage during a performance. This happened December 9, 1967 in New Haven, Connecticut. He was booked on charges of indecency, public obscenity, disturbing the peace and resisting arrest. Before the concert Jim was backstage making out with a girl. A police officer spotted them and said they had to leave. Jim told the officer he was in the band. The cop got pushy with Jim. Jim tried to push him away and then the cop maced him. .

Jim still went on stage and performed the concert. During the last song Jim started to tell the crowd about what happened backstage. The cops shut the music down and came directly onstage to arrest him. From that time onward the police were always looking for an excuse to come after Jim.

Unfortunately his fame could not be contained and it took over his life. He enjoyed many of the perks, but did not like losing his privacy, and found ways to get lost in the crowd. He was an alcoholic and drank mass amounts of whiskey a day. No one could control him, and things went downhill when he was accused of exposing his penis in front of an audience at a rock concert in Miami Florida. He was arrested and faced Federal prison time for lewd lascivious behavior, two misdemeanors for public profanity, two for public exposure and one for public drunkenness. No one could prove that he did such a thing, and, considering how many photographs were being taken nonstop at the concert, it is highly unlikely that it happened because there is no proof.

Because he was so famous and considered a hippie, the courts were going to let him have it full on. For that reason he decided to take a break from everything and go to Paris to see if he could lose his identity. The pressure of facing prison time was more than he could handle. He found no matter where he went he was known. It must have seemed like there was no escaping for him.

The official cause of his death in Paris on July 3, 1971 is from a heart attack. No one knows for sure, but the bottom line is he did die at a young age having changed the face of rock and roll. He has never been forgotten. In fact his fame has grown, and he is considered a rock legend. His estate brings in millions of dollars a year. Every year young people discover the work of Jim Morrison and become fans. Just like he said no one would ever forget him and that was very prophetic.

I saw The Doors perform at the Los Angeles Forum in 1968 at the height of their fame. I had always liked their music, but I was not a big fan of Jim Morrison. At this particular concert he set on the edge of the stage and read poetry for 45 minutes. I was sitting in the floor section right in front of the stage and people kept lighting sparklers and matches and sending them flying at the stage screaming, “Sing Light My Fire.” I had to keep covering my head to keep from getting burned. Finally the group did play Light My Fire and afterwards left the stage. Having lived in Los Angeles and seen every major group like the Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, The Rolling Stones, and many more, I considered it the worst concert I had ever seen.

I continued to buy every album The Doors made. The songs were powerful, and I really enjoyed their music. I knew I would never waste my time going to see another one of their concerts.

I was in Santa Monica, which is right next to Venice California and one of Jim’s favorite cities, when I heard that he had died. It was sunset, and, as I watched the sun go down at the ocean, I kept thinking about what a terrible waste and it had only been a few months since Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin had died at the age of 27. Ironically, Jim died on the same date as Brian Jones, of The Rolling Stones, who had died in 1969. Jim wrote a poem for Brian Jones right after his death called, “Thinking of Brian Jones While Sitting in Los Angeles.”

A poem for Jim Morrison

Now comes an unusual part to my memories of Jim Morrison. In 1984 I was taking a class in Transpersonal Psychology and we were given an assignment to write about two parts of ourselves and have them communicate back and forth. I saw myself as two different things first as a deer and the other as Jim Morrison. As I was doing this dialogue between the deer and Jim, it became clear that he was there to teach me how to be an individual and face life like a rebel. I had lost my identity in a bad marriage and felt like a deer that at any moment was going to be shot down. This was the reason to learn how to be a rebel. It was certainly fascinating because I had not thought of Jim Morrison other than when I heard his music.

I did not have any albums any more, but, after writing this story, I kept hearing over and over in my head the song “Waiting for the Sun.” Finally I had to go out and buy the cassette, and, as I listened to this song, I started hearing Jim Morrison talk to me. This was his way of letting me know that he was in my life as one of my spirit guides. My first thought when I realized this was – why wasn’t it John Lennon or Jimi Hendrix who I really liked. Why did it have to be wild and crazy Jim Morrison?

I am sure that many people are thinking as they read this is really strange. No, I knew about spirit guides, but never gave it much attention. From that point on I started paying attention and have learned a great deal, and it has not always been easy, but I am grateful to have this guide. Many people have felt a connection to Jim Morrison outside of just being a fan, and I know that he is working in spirit to help many people. In fact there has been a book written by a psychic who claims to have channeled his spirit.

Jim Morrison lived his life as a free spirit and chose not to be tied down to the conventions of the day. He was a loner and his idea of what a good place to go to relax was a topless bar next to the office of The Doors or his favorite hole in the wall Mexican restaurant in Venice California. He never had an entourage nor did he have security. He walked the streets of Venice and Hollywood freely. He proved you could be a superstar and still live in whatever way you wanted.

His being free is what disturbed so many people including the law and the government. The powers that be do not like when someone shows them what true freedom is.

I cannot imagine any current musical artist choosing this type of life. This is what sets Jim Morrison apart from so many of the others. It is sad that the music world today is nothing more than just commercialism. I am thankful that I was around in the 60’s to see some of the greatest creative artists express themselves freely. It was a wonderful time to be alive.

I am glad Jim Morrison shared his talent with the world. He will never be forgotten.

I will leave you with this final thought from Jim Morrison.

“I like people who shake other people up and make them feel uncomfortable.”

Thanks Jim for all that you have given us.

Many blessings,
Cherokee Billie

Click Here To View My Collection Of Jim Morrison Pictures And Memorabilia.

6 Responses

Neal Jacobsen
Neal Jacobsen

June 17, 2023

I love the Doors and their music. It was just so fantastic! Jim and Ray- we miss you terribly. Bring the music back!


September 28, 2022

Thank you Billie, I appreciate your Blog. I love Jim Morrison. I have had a few encounters with his Spirit, he does show up. I do believe there is more to the story about his death. Thank you for sharing.


July 19, 2022

I was in Germany when I found out that Morrison had died.

I was walking down Elisabethstraße in Munich when I saw a movie theater marquee that read:

In Memoriam
Jim Morrison

I ran back to the dorm (one of the ones used to house Olympic athletes the next year) and told my friends, “Hey, guys – Morrison’s dead.”

I took them back to the theater so they could see the message for themselves.

The next week, I was in Paris – and there was nothing in the news about Morrison’s death.

When I got back to the US, the only thing I could find about his dying was one article in Esquire.

Since Morrison was reported to have discussed faking his death on multiple occasions, I became convinced that he was still alive…until I went back to Paris in 2000 with my husband.

We were staying at a small hotel on the Rue de Rivoli and took the 69 bus to Père Lachaise and found Morrison’s grave.

(I thought that, considering it was Morrison’s grave we were going to visit, it was appropriate that the bus’ number was 69. :) )

As soon as I saw his grave, I knew that he was really and truly dead. I felt it in my soul.

As I was placing a roll of Smarties on his tombstone, Michael said, “Yeah, Jim was always pompous – he took himself ’waaaay too seriously.”

I said, “Don’t say that, Michael. You’ll piss him off.”

Then Michael tried to take a photo of me, holding the Smarties while standing next to Morrison’s grave.

The camera stopped working.

Michael tried to figure out what was wrong with the camera. He even enlisted a French guy (whose name I can’t remember to save my life) to try to help him with the camera. No go. It still wouldn’t work.

I said, “I TOLD you that you were going to piss Morrison off. Apologize to him.”

Instead of apologizing, Michael kept working on the camere – to no avail. It still wouldn’t work.

I said, “I’m telling you, you’ve pissed him off! Apologize to him!”

Michael finally said, “Jim, I’m sorry I said you were pompous and took yourself too seriously.”

He tried the camera again – and it worked.

Then French guy took a group photo: Michael, the Smarties and me at Morrison’s grave.

The camera worked for the rest of the trip.

If anyone reading this hasn’t been to Paris, go if there’s any way you can swing the trip – and put Père Lachaise at the top of your “Places to Visit” list. It’s an absolutely gorgeous cemetery – and be careful what you say about Morrison. :)

Terry Carleton
Terry Carleton

July 11, 2022

To me, The Doors personified the elegant mysticism of the mid 60s. Sure, they had their extremely aggressive moments (The End, Back Door Man, etc) but what really captured my imagination were songs that delved into the ethereal (Crystal Ship, People Are Strange, Whiskey Bar, Moonlight Drive). They were a loose canon ‘live’, but their albums are monumental.


February 06, 2022

I think Jom was amazing

Tommy Lancaster
Tommy Lancaster

January 05, 2021

Thanks Billie…This is a great piece about Jim, and how he’s inspired you!
I’ve always been influenced by Jim, and now more so than ever, I though it was just me, now I know I’m not alone in this. Thank you….Peace!✌💕🦎

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