Full Pink Moon April 16, 2022 in Libra

April 06, 2022 1 Comment

Full Pink Moon April 16, 2022 in Libra

April welcomes in the magical time of year.  After the long winter it’s time to celebrate the return of spring on the Full Pink Moon April 16, 2022 in Libra.  Many of you may feel like howling after being cooped up for winter.  Go ahead and let go on this Full Moon.  It’s a good way to release pent up emotions.

Check Out Rare Black Moon April 30,2022

 The Full Moon will reach its peak at 2:55 p.m. Eastern on April 16, but don't get too concerned about the daylight hour. The Moon will appear nearly Full for the night before and the night after its peak and will be visible all night

With this Full Moon you may feel more intense energy and be prepared for that.  Do as much deep breathing and meditating as possible to keep yourself calm and tranquil during this lunar time.

This Pink Moon falls right before Easter on April 17.  Therefore it has a close connection to the Christ Consciousness.  The power of this Moon is extraordinary and this is the best time for you to connect spiritually with whatever you think is God, Jesus, or the Divine, Whatever name you want to give it, make sure you are seeking a connection to all that is Divine on this full Moon and lasting through Easter.

Christ Consciousness.

Many times the Christ has come to the world, and He has walked many lands. And always he has been deemed a stranger and a madman.” ~Kahlil Gibran in “Jesus the Son of Man.”

Take time out of your busy lives and reflect on the spiritual blessings that are being poured out at this time. No matter what you may be going through the blessings are still coming and it is up to us to recognize the miracle of each day.

Too much political correctness has made it unfashionable to have faith and talk about it openly.  I will choose to continue to have faith because without it I would have nothing.

I believe without a doubt in the Divine Creator, God, and know that every day we need to pray just like we take a shower, eat, and sleep. In all things give thanks and be prayerful. 

Why is it called Pink Moon?

Pink moon

This month’s full Moon was nicknamed the Pink Moon by Native American tribes due to the blooming of flowers around this time of the year, specifically a flower known as phlox subulata, which also goes by the name "moss pink that has a distinct shade of pink.

This moon is also known as Egg Moon, due to spring egg-laying season. Both names, Pink and Egg, indicate the sprouting of seed and the explosion of bright beauty found in the phlox (pink) and other flowers rising for the spring debut.

Don’t forget The Archangel that is guiding us through the month of April ‘Camael.’  Not only is he bringing his Divine Golden Light to shine upon us, but he brings the qualities of assertiveness and confidence.  Ask for his help throughout this month.  The key to seeing miracles is asking and being specific..

And when a full moon in Libra lights up the night on April 16, it will inspire you to invite more balance and harmony into your life. Remember—too much of a good thing can eventually become a bad thing. It will also encourage you to use diplomacy to solve conflicts with others!

What Is the Spiritual Meaning of the Pink Moon?

Spring is the best time of year to set New Year's resolutions for ourselves, as it synchronizes with the new life that is beginning to bloom. The pink moon is a great time to fully release negative thoughts or relationships that do not have space in our 'new life' that is starting to unfold. 

The pink moon is a great time for spring cleaning, and that's where we should focus our efforts. Whether it is buying something new for the home, hanging a new piece of art you've created, rearranging some furniture, or cleaning out a closet, don't be afraid to be a little bold if it's something that brings good energy into your spaces.

The pink moon is especially meaningful because it's in Libra. This moon offers us the ability to make proper adjustments where adjustments are needed. We come together to find balance — which makes sense, as Libra is symbolized by the scales of justice themselves and reach some sort of equilibrium in situations which have gotten a little off track lately.

It's a beautiful time to forgive and ask for forgiveness and be honest about what needs you have that are not being met. Sometimes, when the scales of justice are in the process of finding their way back to the midpoint, there can be a little disruption in your life. However, that disruption itself is an indication that what's meant to happen is, in fact, happening.

What Does the Pink Moon Mean For You?

 It's all about balance in relationships here, whether you're investing too little or too much time in work, romantic, or platonic relationships. You need to establish some balance, and sometimes that means letting go of something that doesn't serve the higher good for both parties

The pink moon is a prime opportunity to have open and honest conversations with friends, but also to have fun. Take time to connect with your closest friends and arrange a social event, like a cocktail night or a spa day. It will be fun to catch up on what all your closest BFFs are up to.

Honesty in regards to what you need emotionally, as well as physically, can be difficult, but now is the time to do it! Ask yourself if you are putting yourself in situations and relationships that nurture the best in you, It's time to consider whether you're surrounding yourself with the right people.

With the Libra Moon, we’re especially aware of our need for relationships and all that comes with maintaining them — compromising, negotiating, graciousness, and balancing.

This Full Moon urges us to strike a balance between meeting our personal needs and attending to the needs of a significant other, and between independence or autonomy and dependence or companionability.

This time of year is filled with pink healing energy that can be opened up to receive and embrace its majesty and glory.

This Pink Moon is calling for us to spiritually shed the dead parts of winter from our souls and make way for the new growth that is being released at this sacred time.

This is your opportunity to advance your soul growth. Do not let this moment pass you by. It is easy to say that I will do it tomorrow or the next day or the next day, and soon you will discover that ten years have gone behind you, and you will wonder what you did with your life during that time.

Use the energy of this Full Moon to Blossom just like spring flowers and continue to get deeply rooted in changing your life and becoming a gentle spirit that blesses everyone you encounter. Just like angels send blessings as they pass by let this be your gift to everyone in your life.

If you do decide to howl make sure you don’t freak out your neighbors. Have fun, dance, sing, and enjoy yourself.

April Full Moon Life path Reading

The Full Moon is an amazing time to get a Spiritual Life Path Reading customized for you and done personally by me!  Learn More Here

Full Moon Blessings,
Cherokee Billie

1 Response

Peggy Doherty
Peggy Doherty

April 14, 2022

Hi Billie,
Thank you for sharing the information about the Pink Moon. I do want to tell you that you inspire me, and I believe I will howl at the Pink Moon because it makes me happy, and I feel good. Oh! I hope you don’t mind, I did copy a few of the pictures up above here, they are so beautiful and the one with Jesus I’m going to use it in a frame on a wreath that I had made, I hope that you don’t mind.

Thank You & You have a Blessed Day!

Peggy Doherty

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