Full Wolf Moon January 10, 2020 in Cancer and Lunar Eclipse

January 01, 2020 1 Comment

Full Wolf Moon January 10, 2020 in Cancer and Lunar Eclipse

January 2020 is a power month and sets the stage for what’s to come, not just for the year ahead but the decade ahead too. What a wonderful way to welcome in the New Year with the powerful Wolf Full Moon.  This is definitely one of my favorite Full Moons because I feel like letting go of the energy I’ve held inside and howl –the howl of freedom and release.

Wolf howling

The power of the Wolf Full Moon serves as a guide for you to trust your instincts and pay attention to what they're trying to tell you.  The wolf symbolizes intelligence, loyalty, freedom, and social connections, and demonstrating them in a more balanced manner.  So work with the wolf as your spirit animal for the next 28 days. Wolf is the Grand Teacher. Wolf is the sage, who after many winters upon the sacred path and seeking the ways of wisdom, returns to share new knowledge with the tribe - Us.

This month is all about spiritual awakening and this is coming into power with a potent Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on January 10th in the sign of Cancer.

You may have noticed that Cancer missed out on a Full Moon in 2019, which means that this Eclipse is not going to go by unnoticed!  This Full Moon energy will be strong and powerful with waves of emotionally charged energy.  This will help us to be inspired, release what is not needed, shed, and let go.

Eclipses are important points in the year as they are believed to bring events aligned with our soul path or soul destiny.

Lunar eclipse January 10, 2019

On a Lunar Eclipse, the Universe opens a portal of energy that allows it to bless us and help us release something that we weren’t quite ready to let go of in order to keep us moving forward and accelerating higher.

While Eclipses advance our soul journey, our human selves are often left to play catch up which is why they can sometimes be a jarring experience.

Each one of us will experience the Cancer Lunar Eclipse energies differently, but this will be a heightened time where we will all feel called to release and let go of something.  This is a wonderful time to howl at the Moon!  You don’t have to be outside to do this.  You can howl right inside of your home!

Like a regular full moon only stronger, a lunar eclipse focuses your attention on relationships, your home and your family. A total lunar eclipse has an even strong influence on your private life. Sun opposite Moon qualities of emotions and instincts reach their peak at a lunar eclipse. This allows you to take an objective and balanced look at your close relationships. Because you will be in touch with your own needs and intentions, you will clearly see any relationship imbalances causing disharmony.

This full moon was known by early Native American tribes as the Full Wolf Moon because this was the time of year when hungry wolf packs howled outside their camps. This moon has also been known as the Old Moon and the Moon After Yule. The wolves are out in this bright light this time of year, anxious and hot on a trail for a feast to shake their hunger in the lean winter months. The normally elusive wolves were once found all over Europe and the United States.  Now in today’s modern world many countries do not have wolves.  The Native Americans living close to the land held them in high esteem, along with other animals they encountered.

Being as this is the beginning of the year it is time to set your intentions for this year by the light of the moon. For many people the Wolf Moon holds deep meaning and this is a good time to let your inner wolf howl!

Please Note You Do Not Need To See The Full Moon To Make Your Requests And Intentions To The Divine.

Often people write me and say I wasn’t able to see the full moon. It does not matter - the moon is always there whether we see it or not. During the daylight we do not see the moon yet it still exists.

On the night of the full moon ask the Wolf Spirit, Angels and Guides for a dream message on how to more fully step into your power before you go to sleep. Upon waking, write down what you remember of your dream, even if it is just one word. Meditate on it.

Plan a spiritual ritual to protect your home and loved ones.  Light a white candle and say out loud the following prayer. “I now ask to be surrounded by God’s Divine White Light, with my Guides, Angels and Ascended Masters, I ask the Archangels and Angels to continue to protect my loved ones and me. Surround me fully and completely with Your Divine White Light.”

Elements to Work with this Full Wolf Moon

  • Gemstones: Hematite
  • Trees: Birch, Hazel
  • Herbs: Thistle, nuts and seeds, marjoram
  • Element: Air
  • Scents: Pine, juniper, ginger, and musk.
  • Colors: White and violet.

Full Moon phases herald a proper time for endings and closure. Full moon’s also signal an appropriate time to shine a light on or display works and deeds that were previously veiled during the new moon phase.

Significance of this moon is not just about emotions but it is about closeness. January tends to bring families close together with indoor activities. Some say it is a good time to work on relationships, partnerships and matters of the heart. Or, it is a good time to work on new ventures or projects that require some study time. This full moon will emphasize how fluent we are to the emotions that are attached to our communication, how much we share, and how much we relate to others.

January’s moon can be bold and bright or covered in silky clouds. Like the wolf it can appear to be cunning. A symbolic lesson could be that progress is sometimes subtle and happens behind the scenes. Because wolves are also incredibly resourceful they can also symbolize our own hidden potential.  So do not be afraid to let your inner self howl at the moon!

The Full Moon is the time of greatest power and the perfect night for a Spiritual Reading as it’s a night where energy is in abundance.

Wolf Moon Special Bonus!  You Will Receive A FREE Recording Of Our Session Together So That You Can Go Over What Messages You Received During Our Session.

This Moon is a great time to take a snapshot of your life and see where you are and where you need to be going on your personal path.

Full Moon Blessings,
Cherokee Billie

1 Response

Benjamin Shealey
Benjamin Shealey

January 05, 2021

Thank you for this outstanding article. I recently celebrated my monthly Goddess full moon communion ceremony, only this time, I felt extremely dizzy and sleepy the day after and three after that. In the time of Covid-19, I thought I had contacted something, but the symptoms were not the same. I had stumbled on your articles and it all made sense! Once again, thank you.

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