Let Me Introduce You to My Friend Karma!

August 15, 2019 2 Comments

Let Me Introduce You to My Friend Karma!

Karma is the concept of “What goes around comes around.” In other words you reap what you sow; positive actions are going to return to you in a loving and positive way, whereas unloving actions can bite you in the behind.  No matter what religious belief you have the law of karma is always present.  It is part of our soul experience in this life.  This helps you to grow spiritually in a positive way or if you choose the unloving path to have no growth and experience many negative things coming back at you. 

Karma is very similar to an impulse. We can choose to act to or not act to on the impulse of the moment. This is why we have free will so that we can choose what we really want in our lives. We are not controlled like puppets by the Divine Spirit; we have the wonderful gift of free will. Being given this gift you need to think carefully as to how you use your free will. It’s amazing how one action can affect many people. One of the major problems people have is they are acting on impulse instead of pausing a few moments and thinking about the consequences.

One of my favorite songs written by John Lennon is called, “Instant Karma,” He writes, “Instant Karma's gonna get you, Gonna knock you right on the head, You better get yourself together, Pretty soon you're gonna be dead, What in the world you thinking of, Laughing in the face of love, What on earth you tryin' to do, It's up to you, yeah you.” I feel that Mr. Lennon had the concept down beautifully and if you have not heard this song I recommend you listen to it several times. 

As a Spiritual advisor people often ask why they keep falling in love with the same type of person. The reason is they haven’t learned the lesson and they are going to keep repeating their karmic actions until they wake up and realize it isn’t working. Sometimes karmic action is coming from past lives and we are in our current life to work out what we did not learn in the past life. What ever we do not learn in this life we may be faced with again in another life. It’s important to strive for self growth and be responsible for your actions in this life. This is what shapes your karma.

In physics, Sir Isaac Newton stated in his Third Law of Motion that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.  Push against a wall and the molecular material is pushing back with equal force. The more positive and loving you are, the more you going to receive it back, and the same for negative and unloving actions.  It’s important to think before you act on anything. 

If you can control your thought, word, and actions, you become the master and not the helpless victim of karma.

The purest way to live is to let go of our ego and start placing others ahead of ourselves.  When that happens you reverse all negative karma from past lives and present and will find true contentment.  Think of how peaceful contentment is.  Wow, just thinking about contentment can make you desire it.  Let us live our lives in peace and we will never have to worry about our karmic actions ever again. 

Karma, The Priceless Gift That Keeps On Giving!

“Everybody comes from the same source.  If you hate another human being, you’re hating part of yourself.” ---Elvis Presley

If you’re always treat people fairly you’ll not accumulate karmic debt.  Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!

Many blessings,
Cherokee Billie.


2 Responses


September 02, 2019

Move on and get some new loved ones in your friend circle. You decide who hurts you, don’t let them hurt you any more.


August 25, 2019

What do you do though when you have been so very wounded by a loved one without apology that you are unable to trust them anymore?

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