Channeled Message from Michael Jackson March 2019 By Cherokee Billie

March 23, 2019 12 Comments

Channeled Message from Michael Jackson March 2019 By Cherokee Billie

10 years after Michael Jackson died he is being dragged through the mud by an HBO documentary/mocumentary bringing up accusations about a case that he was tried and proved innocent of in 2005. 

The State of California was determined to find Michael Jackson guilty in 2005 and try as they could there was no substantial evidence to prove child molestation.  Several young celebrities such as Macaulay Culkin testified on his behalf that they had stayed in his home many times and never was anything attempted on them.  It was always just good times. Appearing on Marc Maron’s WTF podcast in 2018, Culkin affirmed his relationship with Jackson, calling the singer “my best friend growing up for a good, fat stretch of my life.” There’s extensive footage online of the young Culkin boys playing with both Michael and Janet Jackson at Neverland Ranch. Culkin appeared at the trial, answering “never” and “absolutely not” when asked if Jackson had ever molested or improperly touched him—and adding that the allegations being brought against the singer were “absolutely ridiculous.” On the stand, Culkin recounted visits to Neverland Ranch between the ages of 10 and 14 that included water balloon fights, movie screenings, and late-night video-game sessions.

This trial broke Michael Jackson’s spirit more than the public ever knew.  He walked away from his beloved ranch, Neverland and never looked back.  This also started his downward spiral using heavy drugs to sleep.

Click Here to Read about a Recent Visit I had from Michael Jackson.

Many people choose to believe the negative about Michael Jackson.  It’s always easier to judge someone harshly than to believe in their good.

A few days after Michael Jackson died I was contacted by an Australian radio program and they asked me to channel his spirit.  I did and was pleasantly surprised at being able to contact him.  I found it interesting and posted it on my blog.  The next thing I knew I had thousands of people asking me for further messages from Michael.  In no time I had accumulated many messages from Michael and shared them with the public.

I did so until the enormous attacks against me became too much for me to handle.  I walked away from publicly channeling or talking about Michael Jackson.  Privately I would still receive messages over the years from Michael.  I always enjoyed hearing from him.  He seemed to come around whenever I was feeling at a low point.  I never thought I would publicly again deliver a message from Michael Jackson.

Because of the negative news about him I feel that it is time to let Michael’s spirit speak once again.

What I have found out over the years is that Michael has healed and has been working from the spirit world with so many people to help them.  It’s much like what he tried to do in life, he always tried to help those who were down and he supported more charities than any celebrity at that time.

His spirit is healed and restored and he is quite a powerful spiritual worker.  He still works through his music as it touches new generations and brings inspiration to them.

He works as a guide helping new people into the spirit world.  I see him kind of like the ancient Egyptian boatman that took the newly dead into the spirit world.  He is often a greeter to new arrivals.

Now I will share what I have received from Michael this past week.

From Michael Jackson:

“Hello My Loves:

 It is time for me to come forward and let the world know that I am still very much alive.  My body may be dead, but my spirit is still active and aware of earthly matters.  What concerns me the most is the effect these false words have on my children and family.  The one thing I wanted more than anything was to protect my children from the world hurting them.  I have asked for their angels to stay with them and shield them from these attacks on me.

I’m proud of my three children.  Being a celebrity’s child is not easy and they’ve done a good job under the circumstances.  I cover my beloved Paris with love all the time.  She has taken things harder than anyone and I do the best I can to take care of her and I send the angels to be with her always.

I care deeply for my fans who I know still love me and support me.  Your love and your efforts to stand up for me touches my spirit.  Your love reaches through to me.

Molesting a child went against everything I felt within me and I never could have done that.  I tried my best to help these children and unfortunately everyone saw me as a dollar sign.  I was truly naive, but I chose to be that way rather than to become hard and uncaring.

Now I pray for them and ask that they be taken care of by their angels and eventually speak the truth.  At this point I think people have already formed opinions and it probably wouldn’t matter what they said.

I’m going to be sending love to everyone whose life I have touched in some special way. That includes my fans. Without them my life would have been much different and I love each one of them. It doesn’t matter that we never met in person, here in Spirit I know who each one of you are. You don’t need to try to hold me to you; I will always be with anyone who loved me. My spirit has no boundaries and I can go wherever I want to now.

The peace and tranquility that I feel in Spirit is something I never had in life. I want everyone to know that they will have this when they pass over into the afterlife. I have dropped away all of my physical aspects and I am just living in pure love. I realize that the reason I had so much adversity in my life was for me to overcome those challenges. Now that I’m in the presence of the White Light of God I realize I overcame a great deal, but some adversities I was not able to overcome.. It’s wonderful seeing your life completely detached and unemotional.

I just want my loved ones out there to know that I still care and I will always work to help others find the spiritual peace that they need. When I see you doing acts of kindness, no matter how trivial, you make my spirit soar. Can you start smiling at everyone you meet? Can you show kindness to your family members?  What about kindness to the person that irritates you the most?  Send a blessing to the stranger that passes you and see how much your life changes.  I truly understand righteousness in a way that was impossible in physical form. There’s so much I am learning and I want all of you to progress on planet earth, so you are elevated when you reach the spirit world.

It doesn’t matter what people or the media has to say about me. Don’t let any of it bother you. I left you my music, dances, videos, books, and poetry, and that’s all you really need to know to understand who I really was. I did my best to help children all over the world and I will keep working on helping those children from Spirit.

My love to all of you,

Thank you so much Michael for your beautiful inspirational and touching message.  I pray that this message reaches those that need it the most.

I am truly honored to receive this message from you.  It is wonderful to hear from you once again. 

Blessings to all,
Cherokee Billie

“Before you go pointing your finger at me, make sure your hands are clean.” ~  Bob Marley

12 Responses


February 28, 2024

Thought Id comment as its approaching March, I didnt know about you almost 5 yrs ago when you channeled this. I wrote a long comment on one of your vids on MJ on yt somehwere. 2005 was the trial. 2009 Michael dies :( I did a lot of research and didnt know at the time of his demise how much the trial and his other trials led to his early death. It makes me irritated that the dr who killed him got away w/it & claims hes innocent. Idk the trial caused his increased drug usage to sleep & he did the This is it tour to recover costs of the trial. Which worsened his sleep w/the pressure and stress :( & thats when the negligent Dr entered his life. Mj was dead just weeks? of being his patient. His dying 4 yrs from that trial says something. The facts of what happened are disturbing. Whoever hired the dr should have Researched him. MJ would probably be alive if he hadnt done the tour. His mother sued AEG Live in 2010, claiming the company was negligent in hiring the doctor,
Its also irritating that the CAl DA Sneddon was determined/out to get MJ (sounds like because of the Settlement payout made him look guilty) & had him arrested when there was no hard fast evidence. Meanwhile the read child abusers need to be convicted and stopped.
If they are lying the director and accusers of the documentary/mocumentary should be ashamed of themselves because Mj helped their careers; also it causes more work for pple/negates the efforts to stand up for Mj. They are permanently tainting his name for $, doing this when hes deceased and cant stand up for himself.
I still dont understand how anyone can channel any deceased persons spirit. My mind works logically. Where is the channeling of MJ/your Blog you did for the Australian radio program? Were the enormous attacks against you because of the many who beleive hes guilty or for religious reasons?
Ty for relaying this chaneling from MJ. To me, the heart of it is : Your love reaches through to me.(his supporters like me who try to stand up for him) xoxo

Hannah Hentsel -Gage
Hannah Hentsel -Gage

February 21, 2022

Hello Billy! Thank you for that beautiful message from Michael! It was wonderful to hear from him and lovely to know that Michael is always with us No Matter what. It’s really Comforting. He is such a beautiful soul. Ive been a fan since I was six years old. I hate how people make him seem like he’s a bad person, All those alligations just pure lies! Do tell him that I got his message and that I say hello! I hope he comes to you again one day. Thank you Cherokee! Much love and I blessings to you and Michael! 🕊️🌹


September 29, 2021

I love this whether this is him or not ❤️ I will always defend you Mike ❤️✨


January 05, 2021

hello, I would like to say thank you for sharing this. and I would like to say thank you to mike for still being here for not just his children, not just his family, but for us. Thank you Mike, and I will make sure I’ll keep that in mind to be kind to others.

Zoey Sunshine
Zoey Sunshine

May 29, 2019

Spirit brought to heart Michael this morning, how amazing to be on the same wavelength. I had no idea this was resurfacing on the 3d realm a few mos ago. Michael has always been in my heart, not from a fan perspective at all but spiritually speaking. I can attest to his spirit being pure and him being in the spirit realm guiding. I was going to seek out info on his spiritual life this morning and came across this post in my brief search. I plan on listening deeper to some of his more recent music to hear the messages he is sending out. Blessings to everyone who supports him as it was heart breaking to see the vultures pick at his living flesh to destroy his beautiful spirit. From a person who was heavily abused in every way as a child and did not think I would make it out alive, now turning 37 and in a state of deep healing and restoration of my own purity essence, I can tell you that I did not believe the stories nor feel that he was a molestor but deeply misread, his intentions were beautiful but the world of hurting needed a scapegoat to try to make themselves feel better and place blame in the direction of a beautiful human who had a heart of gold. I will pray for his children to receive his beautiful medicine and spirit to flow through them, as they as pure crystals and their entire bloodline is gifted with the medicine of healing music that moves the soul and transforms. I mean look at Will Smith’s kids! All these crystal children are ready to ignite the healing of the earth and empower and I am routing for them!! I have 3 crystal children and 3 rainbow children and I am doing the best I can to complete my own spiritual transformation and generational clearing. We got this!! In lakech

Ray Susani
Ray Susani

April 22, 2019

Very nice and very informative. You are good at what you do. I am honored and privilege to know someone like you.
Thank You

Raquel Castanon
Raquel Castanon

April 12, 2019

Beautiful Message Billie. Especially at this turbulent time when once again he is being accused of such heinous acts. I pray that he is truly at piece because ultimately his own childhood demons were his tragic undoing. We are always quick to judge. Instead of coming from a place of compassion and understanding. We forget to demonstrate kindness as we are all dealing with our own personal challenges and journey. He had much many wounds while on this earth and the pressures he dealt with his entire life took a deadly toll. On his health, his sanity and his spirit. May he rest in wholeness, in peace and in love. Blessings to you Billie. Thank you for the message.

Susan Shand
Susan Shand

March 30, 2019

I’m so glad Michael came with this message to you CB :-) I so hope the truth will come out with these 2 men. I send them love and light for that to happen. My favourite radio station is still not playing Michael’s music which I find very sad. Love you Michael always XOXO

March 30, 2019

Thank you, thank you thank you Cherokee Billie, lovely to hear from you again with such a lovely inspirational message from Michael.


March 28, 2019

Thank you Cherokee SO much!!!


March 25, 2019

Thank you Billie
I see this all the time, people not understanding the truth in media. To them it’s all about ratings the higher the ratings the more money they make. They used to call the media “propaganda” I think they need to start calling it that again. It is sad there are honest journalist out there, but they are often pushed into the sensationalism by the bosses. I always have know MJ has a pure spirit. Blessings to you.


March 25, 2019

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you so much for this Cherokee. I really wish more people would see and read this channeled message. Heartbreaking what is going on with Michael’s memory and children. 🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️

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